Air Conditioning Tune Up in Queen Creek

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Air Conditioning Tune Up. Here in Arizona, it can be easy to tell when our air conditioning system isn’t performing like it once was, especially as we start to get into the summer months. Sometimes you may notice your AC making strange noises, or it might be producing a smell. The most significant sign of all is that your air conditioning just isn’t keeping your home as cool as it once did, or it seems to be working harder to keep up with the heat outside. 

Some people are tempted to put this off because they don’t want to pay for an expensive repair, but you can actually save the most money by addressing problems as soon as possible. There’s a good chance that a bit of attention now can prevent the issue from getting worse, especially if you can solve the issue before it puts extra stress on the rest of your AC system. From diagnostic inspections to regular cleaning, you can prolong the life of your unit by getting regular AC tune-ups and maintenance

Air Conditioning Tune Up | Superstition Cooling

Why Should I Get Regular Air Conditioning Tune Up Maintenance?

The most obvious benefit of keeping your air conditioner in good shape is that it will keep your home comfortable even when temperatures in Arizona climb over 100°F during the summer. Even beyond that, you’ll actually be saving money in the long run by investing in regular AC tune-ups, even when you don’t think that there’s anything wrong. Our team of professional HVAC technicians will be able to measure the overall status of your system, keep it clean, and make minor changes before small irregularities turn into big problems.

When we can identify and resolve issues before they grow, we prevent costly repairs down the road. Fixing issues when they’re still small is almost always relatively inexpensive, compared to letting them go unchecked until they result in a breakdown.

Regular AC maintenance can have all the following benefits:

  • Longer Lifespan for Your Equipment
  • Big Savings in Repair Costs
  • Improved Efficiency Savings on Your Utility Bills
  • Better Air Quality
  • More Consistent Temperatures Throughout the Home

 What’s Included with an Air Conditioning Tune Up

When you get regular AC maintenance, a professional technician will inspect every part of your unit to ensure that it’s in good working order. During this diagnostic check, we’ll even look carefully at components that are hard to see, like the condenser system, coils, and blowers. While we’re inspecting your unit, we’ll also clean it to make sure all the parts can move as intended and that there’s good airflow. That often means clearing debris from the outdoor unit, replacing the filter, and carefully dusting the inside of your air conditioner.

If necessary, we’ll lubricate parts and make minor adjustments to ensure that everything can function as intended. We’ll even check on the electrical signals to make sure your AC unit and thermostat can communicate properly with each other. If we identify that any part of your air conditioning system is running at less than peak performance, we’ll address it right away. Before making any serious AC repairs that would have a cost associated, we’ll talk you through all of your options and get your approval for the work.

Get AC Maintenance Near Queen Creek, AZ with Superstition Cooling

Here at Superstition Cooling, we serve Apache Junction and the East Valley. When we visit a home for an AC tune-up, we can normally make any and all required repairs right on the spot. Keeping your system in good health will save you money and headaches down the road, so contact us today to get started with your regular AC maintenance plan. Find us on Google as well! 

Image Credit: By Poh Smith