Reasons Why Your Furnace is Overheating

echnician Trying To Fix the Problem with the Residential Heating

Do you suspect that your furnace is overheating? Symptoms can include a burning smell, a strange thumping sound, or an inability to work efficiently. If you notice signs that your furnace isn’t working properly, it’s always best to contact an experienced technician like our team at Superstition Cooling. We have the tools and equipment to test your unit, diagnose the problem, and recommend a solution that’s best for your budget. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons that your furnace may be overheating.

Old Age

With proper maintenance, today’s furnaces are designed to work for around 20 years. As your furnace reaches the end of its life, it may begin to wear out and work less efficiently. When this happens, your furnace can overheat, shut off unexpectedly, or fail to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. If your furnace is reaching the end of its life, it may be best to replace it instead of paying for costly repairs. A newer furnace will work more efficiently, which saves money on your utility bill each month.

Restricted Airflow

The most common cause of an overheating furnace is a dirty or clogged air filter. Air filters are extremely good at keeping dirt and dust from entering the air inside your home, but they need to be replaced on a monthly basis. When you forget, that debris keeps clean air from passing through, which causes your furnace to work overtime.

Dirty Internal Components

A furnace that’s overheating may not have anything wrong with it at all. It may just need a good cleaning. Internal components can get caked with dirt and dust, which keep them from working properly. The blower motor, for example, cannot spin if it’s caked with dirt, leading to an overheating furnace. A qualified technician can spot signs of dirty internal components and make the best recommendation for your HVAC system.

Mechanical Failure

The electrical wiring and fan blower work hard to blow comfortable air throughout the interior of your structure. A short circuit or poor circulation can cause the entire furnace to stop working. Regular tune-ups are the best way to avoid issues like this since an experienced technician knows how to prevent major problems that will cost much more to repair.

Short Cycling

Short cycling is a term that refers to a furnace that shuts off before the heating cycle is complete. This adds unnecessary stress to your furnace motor and prevents it from keeping your home or business warm. There are several reasons that your unit may be short cycling, including an overheating furnace. When this happens, your furnace is actually shutting off to keep it from overheating and causing damage to the motor.

Poor Maintenance

A furnace is composed of many working parts, and if one part fails, the entire system won’t work properly. That’s why regular maintenance is so important. Our professional HVAC technicians know how to spot worn-out parts, dirty components, and air filters that need to be replaced, and we’ll take the necessary steps to keep it running smoothly. That way, you can eliminate the risk of your furnace overheating.

From checking your refrigerant to cleaning the internal components, our HVAC maintenance and tune-up services provide peace of mind that’s well worth the price. Besides, scheduled maintenance is far cheaper than the cost of major repairs or the replacement of a neglected unit.

Protect Your Furnace With Superstition Cooling’s Expert Services 

Minor HVAC problems can lead to a furnace overheating. At Superstition Cooling, we’re committed to keeping HVAC systems throughout the East Valley working efficiently year-round. Have you scheduled your regular tune-up? Contact us today to request an estimate.

Image Source: Virrage Images/Shutterstock

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