Why Does My AC Fan Not Stop?

Top Reasons Your AC Fan is Not Working

Why Does My AC Fan Not Stop?

An air conditioning unit typically has four settings to choose from: Hot or cold, fan on or off, and the target temperature the HVAC should strive for. When that temperature is reached, most units will switch off the cooling or heating unit and the fan simultaneously. If the fan is set to “on,” it will continue cycling air through the filter and ducts while the unit turns off.However, at no time is your AC fan supposed to run on without control or stopping. If you can’t switch your AC fan off or your AC fan never alternates between off and on when set to “auto,” you may have a problem that needs AC repair.Today, let’s take a closer look at why your AC fan might stay on and what you can do about it.

How Your Air Conditioning Fan Typically Works

Your air conditioning fan is the push to your AC. While the AC and heating units treat the air for the temperature you want, the blower fan pushes it through the ducts and into each room.

Auto Setting

In order to save electricity, the “auto” setting deactivates the blower fan alongside the heating and cooling units when the desired temperature is reached. It will turn the unit and the blower fan back on if the ambient temperature rises above or below that line.

Fan On Setting

In the “fan-on” setting, your fan will blow whether or not the AC is running. Likely, your AC will run until the desired temperature is reached, and the fan will continue cycling air until the setting is changed.

Common Fan Issues

How can your air conditioner fan go wrong? Let’s look at the four most common fan issues that can cause an AC fan that won’t turn off.

Thermostat at the Wrong Setting

Always check to make sure your thermostat is at the correct setting. People in the house may have set it when cold, hot, or half-asleep. You may have bumped the switch to the wrong position without realizing it. Better to check than assume the worst.

Thermostat Problems

Among the most common air, conditioner fan issues relate to the thermostat. The temperature sensor can be faulty and stop detecting the correct temperature – and therefore, never turn off the AC and fan. Or the thermostat may have stopped sending a correct signal. Change the thermostat batteries – if applicable – and make sure that if you change the mode, the AC’s behavior also changes.

Extreme Hot or Cold Outdoors

Extreme temperatures outdoors can result in a fan that never stops running indoors. A continually running fan means that the temperature you’ve selected cannot be reached by reasonable means. For example, if you are trying to bridge more than 20-25 degrees.

Broken Switch or Fused Circuit

Lastly, if the electronics have quite directly failed, it’s possible your blower fan cannot get the signal to stop blowing. If the blower fan cannot stop running, it can mean a fault in the switch of the circuit. A fused circuit means the switch can no longer cut the power to the fan.

How to Prevent Air Conditioning Problems

If you want your HVAC to work smoothly every time, follow these simple steps:

  1. Keep it in good condition with regular tune-ups.
  2. Have your AC and heater units cleaned and maintained once a year.
  3. If there are detected problems, have them fixed before they become issues.

Have the thermostat inspected, a matter that is often overlooked, and replace any thermostat that is more than ten years old. These devices don’t last forever but are easier to replace than you may realize.Call for AC repairs when problems arise. If you smell or hear something unusual, call your HVAC technician. Early spotting can save you thousands on repairs and prevent issues from creating build-up and bigger problems inside your HVAC unit.

Professional Air Conditioning Repair & Tune-Ups in Apache Junction

Every homeowner in Apache Junction deserves an AC that works reliably and efficiently. Being able to control exactly when your AC is on or your fan is blowing is control over your home’s comfort and air quality. Fortunately, keeping your HVAC in great shape isn’t hard with professionals on your side. Get your HVAC tuned up once a year and call for AC repairs promptly when you need them, and your AC will serve your family home reliably for a decade or three. Superstition cooling is proud to provide reliable AC repair and maintenance services to residents of Apache Junction. Contact us today to keep your AC in great shape.

Image Credit to fizkes