How To Choose an Air Conditioner Brand

Superstition cooling chooses an air conditioner brand

As you read this article, you’ll learn about the different factors you should consider when shopping for an air conditioner unit:

    • The unit size
    • The type of AC system
    • The warranty offered

In Eastern Phoenix, AZ, summer temperatures are always in the triple digits, which means air conditioning isn’t just a matter of comfort — it’s essential to staying healthy. So, if your AC unit is getting old or has sustained damage, you need to get it replaced before the heat hits.

That means choosing the type of air conditioner you want. There are dozens of brands available, so how can you tell which is right for you? To help you out, we’ve gathered some tips to keep in mind when AC shopping. 

Types of AC Units

First, let’s talk about the different types of AC units. There are several types, varying in size, power, and ideal placement. 

Split Air Conditioning

In a split AC unit, the fan and cooling components are separate. The fan system is located inside and distributes air cooled by the exterior component. Split AC units may be used for both multi- and single-story buildings and can be successfully installed in homes that lack ductwork.

Central Air Conditioning

Central AC is a popular option for residential and commercial properties, as both the cooling components and fan are in one place. The property must have a ductwork system that evenly distributes air throughout for central air conditioning to work.

The one downside is that you don’t have as much control as a portable unit. For example, if one room receives more sunlight and becomes too warm, you’ll have to cool the entire house to cool that specific room.

Additionally, to cool your home effectively, you need to be thoughtful about where you place the thermostat, as that will determine what readings the system receives. Try to find an area that represents an average of your home’s temperature.

Finally, a central air conditioning unit can be more difficult to access when repairs or maintenance must be done. Most models are either located outside or on the roof and are generally quite large.

Single-Room Air Conditioning

Single-room air conditioners, also called window units, are designed to take up minimum space and cool a particular area. As you may have guessed, a window unit is installed in the window, where it actively pulls air from outdoors, cools it down, and blasts it into the room.

While these units are a good choice for single-room and studio-style apartments, they’re not a great option for multi-room Arizona homes, as it would take multiple units to cool the entire area.

Portable Air Conditioning

Finally, if you’re looking for an AC unit with ultimate versatility, there’s the portable air conditioner. These units are smaller than even a window unit and are designed to move with little effort. Portable air conditioners are a great option for travel or small spaces, but they’re not equipped to handle cooling for an entire house.

Things To Look for in an Air Conditioning Unit

Once you’ve determined what type of air conditioner you need, it’s time to consider individual models. As you look at the different features, you should keep a few factors in mind.


When you run your AC as often as Arizona residents do, efficiency is one of your top concerns. There are several benefits to high-efficiency AC units:

    • Lower costs
    • Faster cooling
    • Smaller carbon footprint

When your HVAC system cools efficiently, it doesn’t use as much energy, which means a smaller electricity bill. Energy-efficient AC units also take less time to cool and distribute air, which means you don’t have to wait as long to experience the effects. Finally, less energy use means a smaller impact on the environment.

How can you tell if a model is energy-efficient? Look for a designation from Energy Star. Electronic appliances that meet certain efficiency standards are awarded the Energy Star, so consumers know they’re a more environmentally friendly option.

Smart Features

Many of today’s thermostats come with remote controls or connections to AI assistants. These smart features allow you to adjust the temperature from across the room or even across the country. While smart features are by no means essential to a functioning HVAC system, they can be a nice touch that offers convenience.


We don’t often get muggy weather in the East Valley, but once monsoon season hits, you can feel the moisture in the air. As your AC unit cools the air, it should also dehumidify it. Otherwise, that mugginess can linger in your home, making it feel much warmer than it actually is.


One of the most important factors to consider is size. When it comes to air conditioner size, bigger isn’t always better. Units that are too big and powerful can trip breakers and cause ongoing headaches. Instead, roughly calculate your cooling needs and choose an option that meets those needs with a little wiggle room.

Cord Length

While split and central air conditioning systems are directly connected to your home’s power, window and portable units usually have plugs that need to be put in an outlet. As you consider window and portable units, make sure you note the cord length to ensure they’ll reach the outlets in your home.


AC repair can be costly, which is why it’s essential to have a warranty. Most manufacturers offer a limited warranty to cover failures resulting from faulty parts. As you compare brands, make sure you note what each warranty covers and how long it’s good for.

Contact Superstition Cooling Today for your A/C Needs

Here at Superstition Cooling, we offer warranties upon installation and repair. If you have issues within ten years of installation or one year of repair, you can give us a call without worrying about the cost.

Homeowners in Eastern Phoenix, AZ, know how important it is to have a working HVAC system during the summer. So if your AC gives out on you, make sure to call Superstition Cooling for fast, quality air conditioner installation. We’re available 24/7, so if you have an emergency, you know who to count on. For more information or to request service, give us a call at 480-983-7407 or contact us via our online form.

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Featured Image: Konstantin L/Shutterstock