When To Replace Furnace: Life Span & Expectancy

Furnaces don’t last forever, no matter how well built or even how little it runs during the year. The parts themselves, the plastic and metal components, get older and less reliable over time until it is time to replace your furnace. Fortunately, there are also steps you can take to ensure that your furnace lasts as long as it possibly can. 

With proper care and a little attention, you won’t have to replace your furnace until near the end of its predicted lifespan. How do you know when it is time to replace your furnace? Join us as we look at the facts regarding the lifespan of your heating system.

The Average Furnace Lifespan

Furnaces, on average, last around 15 years, which is the time it takes for the parts inside your furnace to get old and wear out. After 15 years, your furnace may already be showing signs of poor performance and can become unreliable. 

The last thing you want is for your furnace to go out or to stop keeping up with your need for heat in the middle of winter. Scheduling your furnace replacement on time is key to ensuring your family’s warmth and safety each year.

Factors that Reduce Furnace Life Expectancy

Furnaces are essential to maintaining a comfortable home during the colder months, but like any mechanical device, they have a limited lifespan. Several factors can contribute to early furnace replacement, including:

  • Furnace Size: Furnace size matters because it directly affects the performance and efficiency of the heating system. A furnace too small for its house will struggle to heat the entire house, leading to uneven temperatures and higher energy bills. On the other hand, a furnace that is too large will consume more energy and cost more to operate. A properly sized furnace results in better energy efficiency, improved comfort, and lower energy bills.
  • Poor Furnace Installation: The quality of your furnace installation also makes a big difference. A furnace that is properly connected to a well-installed duct system and filtration system, and with strong blower fans, will provide heat more efficiently to the house and need to work less hard to do it. Poor drainage lines or an incorrect fuel supply can also damage your furnace – and possibly your home – causing the need for a replacement far sooner than your furnace’s natural lifespan.
  • Lack of Routine Maintenance: Like any appliance – especially one that runs day and night during the winter – your furnace needs routine maintenance. Regular HVAC inspections, cleanings, and tune-ups can help to prevent long-term damage to your furnace that could cause an early replacement. Setting up an AC tune-up routine with your favorite HVAC crew can keep your air conditioner and furnace in top shape – and prevent furnace-damaging issues – with one to four visits a year.
  • Thermostat Settings: Avoid over-setting your thermostat. Setting your heater to extreme heat will cause it to overwork and burn out much faster than a furnace should in your home based on seasonal temperatures. Setting your furnace too high or too low can be damaging. It is best to keep your house heated between 60 and 80 degrees.

How Will I Know if It’s Time to Replace My Furnace?

Your furnace will let you know —one way or another— when it is time to schedule a furnace replacement. If your furnace can’t keep up with the heat your family needs in the winter, if it power cycles often or won’t come on, these are clear signs that the furnace is no longer functioning optimally.

If your furnace requires frequent repairs or you notice alarming smells or sounds when you turn on your furnace, this can be a sign that your furnace will need to be replaced soon. One of the most important signs to replace your furnace is if your power bills go up every winter, indicating your furnace is less efficient each year.

How to Extend Furnace Lifespan?

The best way to ensure your furnace stays functional for the longest time is to schedule routine HVAC maintenance tune-ups for your entire AC/Heating setup. Superstition Cooling can keep your AC and furnace in top condition with routine inspections, cleanings, tune-ups, and preventative repairs to ensure your system runs at optimal efficiency for the longest possible lifespan.

A regularly cleaned furnace with efficient ductwork and the occasional tune-up can last several years longer than is standard, and you can even counteract a few lifespan-shortening problems with a little extra attention paid to your furnace from here on out. Superstition Cooling is proud to provide reliable HVAC maintenance tune-ups to Apache Junction residents throughout the Phoenix East Valley.

Professional Air Conditioning Installation, Repair, & Maintenance Services in Apache Junction

Furnaces play a vital role in maintaining the comfort of your home during the colder months. At Superstition Cooling, we are dedicated to providing professional air conditioning installation, repair, and maintenance services in Apache Junction. 

Our team of experienced HVAC technicians is trained to work with a wide variety of equipment, and we offer warranties for all of our work. Don’t let a faulty furnace ruin your winter. Contact us today to schedule your furnace service in Apache Junction and ensure your home stays warm and comfortable all season long. 

Image Credit / Shutterstock / Charles Knowles