How AC Maintenance Affects AC Performance

Your air conditioner has a demanding job, especially when you live in Arizona. Making your home dozens of degrees cooler than the air outside isn’t easy, but efficient air conditioners can do it with a lot less energy. It will be easier to make your home comfortable, and you’ll save a lot of money on utility bills. There are five easy ways to lower energy bills by reducing the burden on your A/C.

1. Keep Your Compressor Unit Clear From Debris

When most people think about landscaping projects that reduce the temperature of a home, they’re picturing big trees that can provide a lot of shade. While that’s certainly one way to do it, there’s a much easier way to maximize A/C unit efficiency just by spending a few minutes in the yard. The following steps will improve airflow to help your air conditioning system complete heat transfers more efficiently:

    • Start by turning your air conditioner off. 
    • Clear leaves, weeds, and any other kind of debris that’s inside or touching your outdoor unit.
    • If the fans inside of your unit are dirty or caked in dust, wash them off. Gently spray them with a garden hose so you don’t bend the fins.

2. Change Your Air Filter Regularly

A lot of people forget to keep up with their A/C filter changes, but it’s one of the easiest and most important things you can do to make your equipment run more efficiently and last longer. If you always seem to wait too long before replacing the filter, we recommend setting calendar reminders at regular intervals. People who live alone without pets may only have to do this every couple of months, while larger households may need a filter change monthly or more.

If you have a permanent filter, you can simply clean it off instead of replacing it completely. We recommend doing that at least once a month because it’s easy to wash the filter and there’s no waste. Give it time to dry before putting it back because excess moisture isn’t good for your air conditioner.

3. Use a Programmable Thermostat

Set your thermostat to match your schedule, and you won’t have to worry about wasting energy while you’re away. Best of all, your home will already be comfortable again by the time you’re back.

4. Keep Vents and Ducts Clean

Dusty ducts and dirty A/C vents can block air from flowing, which makes it harder for the treated air to get where it needs to go. Make things easier for your air conditioner by allowing treated air to flow more freely throughout the home.

5. Get Regular HVAC Tune-Ups

When you take care of your air conditioner, it will work better and last longer. An experienced technician will run through a thorough checklist to ensure that every component of your A/C unit is in good shape. You might be amazed by how much your utility bills will drop after routine maintenance.

Need Air Conditioner Maintenance in East Valley Phoenix, AZ? Superstition Cooling is here to help. 

At Superstition Cooling, our NATE-certified technicians know what it takes to keep an air conditioner prepared for the dog days of summer. Residents of the East Valley count on us to keep their homes comfortable from Scottsdale to San Tan Valley and everywhere in between. In nearly two decades of service, we’ve seen just about everything. Contact us now to get started, and we’ll respond as quickly as possible to restore your A/C unit’s efficiency to peak levels.



Image Credit: Shutterstock /  Theera Disayarat