How Often Should You Clean Your Air Ducts?

Air Duct Cleaning - Superstition Cooling

A clean home feels bright and refreshing. You probably spend some time each week vacuuming carpets, sweeping floors, and dusting around the house. It’s a lot easier to remember to clean things you can see. What about the areas you can’t see, such as your air ducts? How often does your home need air duct cleaning?

Why Is Air Duct Cleaning Important?

If your home has central air, air ducts run through the entire house. They may be out of sight, but you can feel their effects whenever you turn on the air conditioner. Vents in your bedroom, living room, kitchen, kids’ rooms, and other spaces are all connected to your HVAC unit via ducts. Why is it important to keep these vents and ducts clean?

1. Home Cleanliness

Keeping your home clean is much easier when the dust isn’t getting blown all over the place. Plus, it gives you peace of mind to know that the air coming out of vents is clean. Experts in air duct replacement and cleaning use special antimicrobial chemicals to kill viruses, bacteria, and mold spores hiding in ducts.

2. Indoor Air Quality

The air ducts in the home don’t just carry cool air. They circulate everything from dirt and dust mites to mold spores and viruses. Over time, all of those contaminants start to build up. Cleaning air ducts help improve indoor air quality.

3. Allergies

If someone in your family has allergies, air duct cleaning is even more significant. Things such as dead bugs, mold spores, pet dander, dust mites, and even accumulated dust can set off allergies and make it harder to breathe. To feel comfortable and relaxed, you can’t forget to have your air ducts cleaned regularly.

4. Energy Efficiency

A great way to take care of your air conditioner and save money on electricity is to change the air filter frequently. Along with a clean filter, though, you also need clean air ducts for air to flow smoothly. Otherwise, the AC has to work harder, which also eats up more energy.

How Often Do You Need Air Duct Cleaning?

Generally speaking, homes in East Valley Phoenix require professional air duct cleaning every 3 to 5 years. This is the recommendation given by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association. That said, the amount of time to wait between cleanings can be tricky to calculate in Arizona because of the amount of dust in the outside air. In some situations, you should schedule air duct cleaning more often:

    • You have pets that shed a lot of dander and hair
    • A member of your family has asthma or severe allergies
    • Your home was just remodeled
    • You open your home’s windows a lot
    • Someone in your home smokes

If your air ducts have never been cleaned before, you should definitely have experts in air duct repairs perform a thorough cleaning of the entire system right away. It’s time.

What Are the Signs You Should Schedule Air Duct Cleaning?

Most people don’t remember to write down the last time their air ducts were cleaned. If you’re not sure, don’t worry. You can usually tell when to schedule air duct cleaning because of telltale signs around the house:

    • More dust than normal: Does it seem like you clean furniture one day, and a few days later, the dust is back? This is a sign that it’s time to clean those ducts.
    • Black marks near air registers/vents: This means the amount of dust and dirt in air ducts is high. They need cleaning.
    • Musty odors near ducts: It’s urgent to schedule AC inspection and air duct cleaning if you notice strange or musty odors coming out of vents. You don’t want mold spores traveling to other areas of the home.
    • Breathing problems: When it seems like your home’s air is filled with fine dust particles or allergens, the problem may be that they’re accumulating in air ducts. People who have allergies can generally tell the difference and know it’s time to have ducts cleaned.

Moisture or mold in air ducts is a serious concern that can affect floors, walls, furniture, and other parts of the home. If you suspect this is happening, schedule an appointment for air duct repairs and cleaning immediately.

Why Do You Need To Call a Professional for Air Duct Cleaning?

The truth is that reaching deep into air ducts requires special equipment and expert training. To get the benefits of air duct cleaning, every inch has to be cleaned. That means reaching all the nooks and crannies. Plus, you don’t want to breathe in all of those contaminants that you’re trying to clean. Our team knows exactly what to do, and we have the certification and equipment for it.

How Does the Air Duct Cleaning Process Work?

Put simply; air duct cleaning means getting rid of all the dust, dirt, allergens, and mold spores in your home’s air ducts. The process leaves ducts and vents completely clean. What can you expect when you call our team for air duct cleaning in East Valley Phoenix?

    • Duct cleaning using HEPA filtration: A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can capture tiny particles during the cleaning process. This helps extract dust, dirt, pet dander, dust mites, and microbes from air ducts.
    • Rotating brush duct cleaning: In addition to removing loose dust and other contaminants, this process involves carefully cleaning surfaces with a rotating brush to get rid of built-up debris.
    • Vent cleaning: We take the time to scrub vents/air registers throughout the home, inside and out. They sparkle when we’re done.
    • Air handler cleaning: A dirty air handler would make clean ducts dirty again. That’s why we take care of everything, including cleaning the AC’s air handler.
    • Decontamination of the ductwork: We disinfect surfaces to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. That way, you can enjoy the best indoor air quality possible.
    • Inspection: We use a special camera to check ducts and make sure everything is clean. You’re welcome to take a look, so you can see the huge difference before and after air duct cleaning.

Many homeowners also have us take care of AC preventative maintenance at the same time. This involves checking and cleaning your air conditioner, such as flushing the drain pan, cleaning evaporator coils, and inspecting the system for any problems. If air duct repairs are needed, we can take care of them during the same visit.

Schedule Your Air Duct Cleaning in East Phoenix Today!

Many families in East Phoenix spend the majority of their time indoors. That’s why professional air duct cleaning is so important. Having excellent indoor air quality can make a big difference in home comfort. Rooms smell fresher. Parents are happier knowing that their kids are breathing clean air.

At Superstition Cooling, we provide high-quality air duct cleaning with a satisfaction guarantee. As certified experts in air duct replacement and other AC services, we can help you know when it’s time to get your ducts cleaned. Contact us right away to learn more. We’re a friendly, family-owned business that’s always happy to answer your questions.

Image Source: alexeisido / Shutterstock