Learn About Different Types of Portable Heaters

Portable Heaters - Superstition Cooling

    • Portable heaters can be used in addition to a furnace or HVAC system to address problem areas that remain colder than the rest of your residence.
    • There are many types of portable heaters on the market, each designed to offer different features and benefits.
    • While portable heaters can be fire hazards, many come with safety features that prevent them from harming your home or its residents.

If you live in the East Valley, AZ area, you know how chilly the winters can get. As the temperature drops, you may be tempted to run the heat. However, this can result in high energy bills. What other options do you have to maintain a comfortable climate without paying a fortune?

This is where portable heaters come in. These devices are a great alternative to running your furnace or HVAC system, as they offer effective heating for relatively little energy consumption. Not sure what type to buy? This portable heater guide can help you find the perfect model for your needs.

What Are the Benefits of Portable Heaters?

Portable heaters offer a variety of benefits, the most obvious of which is their portability. You can take them into any room, outside onto your porch or deck, or even on a trip. Most are lightweight and plug directly into wall outlets. With the right model, you can stay comfy no matter how cold it gets in Queen Creek, AZ.

Supplemental Heat

Portable heaters can be used in place of your HVAC system or in addition to it. For example, you may have an area of your home that’s colder than the others due to poor insulation, large windows, or other factors. Rather than raising the overall temperature and potentially making the rest of your rooms too warm, you can use a portable heater to heat that specific room.

Great Versatility

There are several types of portable heaters on the market, which means you’re sure to find one that perfectly fits your needs. You have not only a variety of shapes and sizes to choose from, but also a range of heating capacities and even fuel sources.

No Installation

One of the best things about portable heaters is the lack of installation. Getting a furnace or even a wall unit involves connecting the device to your home’s electric or gas system, which requires technicians. Setting up an appointment can be a hassle, and most people don’t relish the idea of having so much hustle and bustle in their homes.

With a portable heater, there’s no installation necessary. You can plug it in and immediately reap the benefits.

Affordable Price

Portable heaters are very affordable, especially when compared to the price of purchasing a furnace or installing an HVAC system. You can get a device for as low as $30, though some models cost as much as $200.

What Are the Cons?

As with all things, portable heaters also have their downsides. The good news is that they’re not as numerous as the benefits; the bad news is that they can be quite serious in certain circumstances.

When deciding whether to buy a portable heater, it’s up to you whether the pros are worth the cons. For many, the cons are negligible compared to staying comfy during the Gilbert, AZ, winters.


There are dozens of portable heaters to choose from and more popping up all the time. With so many options, you’ll have to do a little search to find the right one. This means reading reviews and learning how the different types work. Fortunately, this portable heater guide can give you a head start.

Fire Hazard

If the device is hot to the touch or contains flammable fuel, it can be a fire hazard. This is especially dangerous if you have small children or pets, as they may knock over these devices or come into contact with the hot surface. The good news is that not all portable heaters present this type of danger, so it’s possible to find a compatible model with your household.

What Are the Different Types of Portable Heaters?

As we mentioned, there are several types of portable heaters. Each functions differently and is, therefore, more effective in certain situations. You must figure out your needs before deciding on a model, as the wrong choice can lead to inconvenience and a chilly experience.

Fan-Forced Heaters

Fan-forced heaters are one of the most common types of portable heaters, as they’re quite efficient. Rather than relying on physics, these devices use a fan to pull air over the heating element, then blow the hot air into the room. This means they’re a great option if you want to warm a targeted area, and they work very quickly compared to radiant heaters. However, the fan does generate noise, although how much depends on the model.

Radiant Heaters

Radiant heaters are popular for their efficiency and ability to function in a variety of environments. This type of heater doesn’t have a fan because it heats objects and people directly rather than heating the air. As a result, radiant heaters make hardly any noise.

Micathermic Heaters

Micathermic heaters are unique in that they can generate both radiant and convection heat. However, they don’t have a fan, which means they’re as quiet as radiant heaters. They’re also built tall and thin, which can be a boon for individuals who don’t have much space.

What Factors Should You Consider When Choosing Your Heater?

Quality varies not just by heater type, but by model and brand. Certain models may offer additional features that increase their value to some buyers, while others couldn’t care less. That’s why it’s essential to get your own priorities in order before looking at the various factors that impact portable heater quality.


For most people, safety is understandably their number one priority. Due to their lightweight, many portable heaters are at risk of being knocked over by accident, which can put them in contact with upholstery, carpet, and other flammable materials.

Fortunately, many models have safety features that eliminate this issue. For example, some heaters shut off automatically if they’re knocked over. Others are cool to the touch, which means they don’t present a hazard even if they come into contact with skin or carpet.

Energy Efficiency

For most people, the purpose of getting a portable heater is to avoid running their HVAC systems. For this reason, it’s essential to look at a device’s energy efficiency. “Energy efficiency” describes how much electricity a device must consume to perform its function. The less electricity it needs, the more efficient it is.

Additionally, you should also consider if the heater type is right for the job, as some heaters are more effective in certain spaces. For example, if you want to heat a large outdoor space, you should opt for a radiant heater, which doesn’t require an enclosed space, rather than a fan-forced heater, which does.

If you need assistance with your HVAC system and are located in San Tan Valley, AZ, or another part of the East Valley, Superstition Cooling is the place to call. Our technicians are trained to address a number of issues, including duct repair, thermostat installation, air conditioning replacement, and heat pump maintenance.

To get an estimate or learn more about our company, give us a call at 480-983-7407 or contact us online.


Featured Image: New Africa/Shutterstock