Why Is My Thermostat Blank?

Thermostat Blank - Superstition Cooling

Thermostat Blank? Many HVAC system issues are hidden in the ductwork or inside the casing of your AC. However, there’s an undeniable sign that something is wrong: Your thermostat screen is blank.

This discovery can be disturbing, especially if you live in the East Valley area, where summer temperatures are dangerously high. What should you do in this situation? The first step is to figure out the cause.

Why Is My Thermostat Blank?

To figure out if the issue is something you can fix, you need to identify if it’s related to the thermostat itself or your HVAC system. If it’s the latter, you’ll probably need to hire an expert to look into it. To eliminate the thermostat as the source of the problem, make sure to try these troubleshooting steps.

Turned Off

Sometimes the thermostat is just turned off. If you’re not using the AC or heat, it may have automatically shut off to conserve battery. Fortunately, it should be easy to turn back on, as most thermostats have a clearly labeled “on” switch. If you turn the thermostat on, and it remains blank, then you have another problem on your hands.

Low Screen Brightness

Many newer thermostats allow you to adjust the screen brightness. Some models auto-adjust if the surrounding light is bright or no one has touched it for a while. These adjustments are meant to save battery, but they can make your screen appear blank.

If the problem is screen brightness, the display is still functional and can be read in low light. To test if brightness is the issue, first activate the display by interacting with it. If it still appears blank, turn off nearby lights and see if the thermostat is now readable.

If you can read the display, go into “settings” and look for an icon that says “display.” You should be able to adjust the brightness from there. If you can’t find the settings, you can do an internet search for instructions based on your thermostat’s make and model.

Old Age

How old is your thermostat? If the answer is “more than 10 years,” it may be worn out.

Like all equipment, thermostats degrade over time. The good news is, they’re relatively easy to replace. If your thermostat is more than a decade old, you may also be missing out on helpful modern features, so upgrading can add convenience and even save you money on energy bills.

To replace your thermostat, you should contact an East Valley area HVAC professional. Not only can technicians remove an old thermostat and install a new one, but they can help you choose a thermostat that works with your system.

Open Furnace Door

Not all East Valley area homes have furnaces, but if yours does, you’ll need to check the furnace door. An open door is a fire hazard, so many modern thermostats have a safety feature that blanks the display to prevent the system from running in such a scenario.

If you’ve tried other troubleshooting and the thermostat is still blank, check the furnace door. Even if it appears closed, try opening it and firmly closing it, as it may not have latched. Once you’re sure the door is securely shut, check the thermostat.

Tripped Safety Switch

An open furnace door isn’t the only safety hazard when it comes to HVAC systems. Because there’s electricity involved, many systems have safety switches that initiate if the equipment is in danger.

There are two types of safety switches: a float switch and a high-limit switch. The float switch reads moisture and turns your system off if the environment is too humid. If this is the issue, you should hire a professional to inspect the system, as there are several potential causes for a tripped float switch. For example, you may have an AC drainage line problem, or the float switch sensor may be faulty and need replacement.

A high-limit switch, on the other hand, measures temperature. It’s an essential feature in furnaces because it keeps the equipment from overheating and damaging its components or starting a fire. If this is the issue, you should consult a professional, as there are several possible reasons a high-limit switch may trip:

    • The furnace has a broken part that needs repair
    • The sensor in the high-limit switch is faulty and needs replacement
    • There’s inadequate airflow into and out of the furnace

Tripped Breaker

Some thermostats require batteries, but others are connected directly to a house’s electrical system. If something goes wrong with the electrical system, the display will go blank.

The most common electrical issue is a tripped breaker. Electrical systems have breakers that cut power if the circuit exceeds its capabilities, which prevents fires and damage to appliances. You should be able to check for a tripped breaker by looking at your electrical box.

The good news is, if this is the issue, you can prevent it from happening again by limiting the number of appliances you have running on one circuit at the same time. If you need to use many devices at once, try to plug them into different areas of the house to distribute the stress on the circuits evenly.

Wiring Problems

A thermostat connected to the electrical system can have wiring problems, just like any other appliance. If you’ve tried other troubleshooting with no luck, you should contact an HVAC professional to look at the wiring.

Sometimes, the wires have come loose, were damaged, or were of inferior quality. Fixing the electrical system is complicated and poses safety issues if done incorrectly, so it’s essential that you leave this problem to the experts.

Dead Batteries

If your thermostat isn’t connected to the electrical system, it must run on batteries. If you’re unsure which it is, examine the hardware for a panel that allows access to a battery compartment. If you don’t know where to look, you can find instructions by searching the make and model on the internet.

Once you’ve found the batteries, try replacing them. You may have to restart your thermostat. If batteries are the issue, you’ll see the display come to life.

What Should I Look for in an HVAC Company?

When hiring HVAC professionals, you need to find people who know their stuff. Technicians should be well-trained, and the company should have experience working in your area. Additionally, you want a company that values customers and makes quality service a top priority.

So, where can you find such a business in the East Valley area? The answer is Superstition Cooling. We’ve served our community for nearly 10 years and are proud to call ourselves Apache Junction locals. To learn more about our services or schedule an appointment, give us a call at 480-983-7407 or contact us online. We’re available 24/7 for emergencies, so don’t hesitate to reach out, no matter the time.

Featured Image: Jon Schulte/Shutterstock