Two HVAC units outside on the side of a house.

How Much Does An Air Conditioner Tune-Up Cost in 2024?

Keeping your air conditioning unit in good condition is essential when you live in Arizona. The weather is hot most of the year, making your AC work overtime to keep your family at a comfortable temperature.

The last thing you want is for your air conditioner to work at less than optimal efficiency, which is why AC maintenance is crucial. If your AC is struggling, your power bill goes up. If your AC has a little problem, it can grind into a big problem over constant use.

Many Apache Junction homeowners schedule a regular AC tune-up to ensure their unit is ready to battle those hot months. However, those who put off their AC tune-up often worry about the cost. Read on to find out how much an AC tune-up costs.

What is an AC Tune-Up, and Why Do I Need It?

An AC tune-up is a full maintenance inspection, cleaning, and taking care of any repairs that might be lurking in the system. While this may sound like a small thing, air conditioners in Apache Junction homes are run constantly, which means that your AC unit sees significant wear and tear every year. Blower fans break, wiring may need replacing, and regular cleaning keeps your unit running at top efficiency.

An AC tune-up can catch problems early and ensure your AC keeps running reliably through the hottest days when you need it most, and tune-up can assure you that your AC is ready to shut down for the winter or fire up when it gets warm in the Spring.

How Often Should I Get My Air Conditioner a Tune-Up?

Most ACs should be inspected, cleaned, and maintained at least once every two to three years. However, if you suspect something is wrong with your AC, like unusual sounds, smells, behavior, or rising power bills, don’t hesitate to call and schedule an ac tune-up with our technicians.

AC Tune-Up Cost

The typical AC tune-up cost is anywhere between $75 and $200. The baseline price for your local AC provider usually depends on the hourly cost of labor for a basic inspection and cleaning. A technician will complete a cleaning and inspection no matter what is happening with your air conditioner unit. For example, replacement parts and repair time influence the rest of the cost if you need repairs.

What Factors Influence the Cost of an AC Service?

What influences the cost of an AC tune-up service? Since there are different types of air conditioners, each type has different requirements for proper operation. Let’s take a closer look at what might cause your AC tune-up cost to be higher or lower.

Air Conditioner Age

Older air conditioning units typically have more that require fixing since parts wear out over time. Aging materials and wear and tear over the years of use can influence the number of repairs or replacements you may need during an AC tune-up, especially if you’re only tuning up every few years.

The Climate in Your Area

In hot states like Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, and Florida (to name a few), our air conditioners are used most of the year. That means we are using our air conditioners for longer than people living in cooler climates. The more your AC runs, the more tune-ups your AC will need.

How You Treat Your HVAC System

Taking good care of your air conditioner by changing the filters, cleaning the ducts, and avoiding blocking the air vents can also reduce the cost of your regular tune-ups and help prolong its life. Calling for repairs promptly if you suspect something is wrong and scheduling tune-ups on time ensures that your AC stays in good condition and, therefore, can typically cost less with each AC tune-up.

The Size of Your Air Conditioner Unit

Larger air conditioning units may also take more time to maintain, naturally increasing the maintenance cost a little with each visit. Larger homes need very large central air conditioning units since there is more square footage to cool.

Professional & Affordable Air Conditioner Tune-Ups in Apache Junction

Does your Apache Junction home need its next AC tune-up? Superstition Cooling is dedicated to providing affordable, reliable AC services to the Phoenix East Valley area and will help you keep your AC tune-up costs as low and reasonable as possible. Contact us today to schedule your next AC inspection and tune-up.

      Image Source: dotspencer / Shutterstock

Air Duct (1)

5 Ways to Improve AC Airflow

The airflow of your air conditioner and your air conditioner efficiency go hand-in-hand. If the air can’t flow freely through the system, your blower fans have to work harder, and cool air takes longer to reach rooms.

The harder the system works, the more electricity is used, and the longer the thermostat takes to cool. An inefficient unit becomes obvious when you receive your power bill in the middle of the summer, a time Apache Junction homeowners are all familiar with.

Fortunately, good airflow is something you can improve with a few smart tricks around the house. If you know where airflow can be blocked, you can also unblock it and return your AC to full efficiency. Here are the five best ways to increase your Apache Junction home’s AC airflow.

Unblock AC Vents

Many people don’t realize the importance of blocking vents regarding airflow efficiency and quality in the home. If even one vent in your home is fully blocked, this can cause airflow problems throughout your home, interrupting the natural circular pattern of air that should be creating even cooling.

Locate all the AC vents in your house – there should be at least one in every room – and find out if any are blocked. If an AC vent is blocked by furniture or a curtain, rearrange your house to allow free airflow through that vent. Just a few inches of clearance can make a difference. If a vent has been closed at some point, use the little lever to open it back up.

Clean AC Vents

Look closely at each of your AC vents. Don’t just look at the metal you can see; grab a light and look closely at where the air should be coming out of. Is it solid dust bunnies? This can happen, and those dust bunnies are worse than a clogged air filter when it comes to blocking airflow and re-distributing dust into your home with every gust of cool air from the AC.

Fortunately, this solution is also simple. Start by wiping down your vents with a cloth or paper towel. A good cleaning will remove a lot of the accumulated dust. However, if you can still see a dust bunny blockage behind the vent, fit your vacuum hose with the narrowest attachment and go after that wall of dust. If necessary, you can take down the vent cover and sweep out the dirt from the ductwork.

Check & Replace AC Filters

Don’t forget your AC filter. The filters for your AC are designed to let air through while stopping dust and microbes. A clogged filter is packed full of dust, so air can no longer flow through without dragging at the filter and reducing your airflow throughout the entire house.

Open up your AC intake vent and find the filter. If it’s packed with dust, change the AC filter for a clean one, then write the date on the cardboard edge. Putting the date on the cardboard will help you remember when it was last changed.

Find and Fix Leaks

Many people don’t realize that their ductwork can have “air leaks” where cold air escapes the ducts and reduces your total air pressure. These air leaks can let dirt into your home’s airflow and simultaneously reduce your air conditioner’s efficiency. An AC technician can look into your ducts and use special equipment to help identify air leaks in your home’s HVAC system. This is why it’s important to have your air conditioning ducts and vents kept properly sealed through regular check-ups during your HVAC service visits.

Schedule Regular HVAC Maintenance

The best way to keep your Apache Junction air conditioner running smoothly and efficiently (at the lowest possible power cost) is to schedule regular HVAC maintenance.

Get your AC tuned up at least once a year, including an inspection of your vents, ductwork, and airflow quality. Here in Arizona, we use our air conditioners all year long, which means keeping this essential system in perfect working order greatly impacts your home’s air quality, comfort, and power bill all year.

By scheduling an AC tune-up, you can ensure your air conditioner is ready to carry you efficiently through another year.

Air Conditioner Maintenance & Repair in Apache Junction

If your Apache Junction home requires air conditioning maintenance or repair services, Superstition Cooling is here for all your HVAC needs.

We will ensure your home, HVAC, vents, and ducts are in great working order and ready to keep your family cool all year. Contact us anytime for AC repairs, AC tune-ups, or to investigate if you’re not quite sure what the problem is. Our technicians are always ready to help.

Image Source:  The Toidi / Shutterstock

Repair or Replace Air Conditioner

Should I Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner?

Repair or Replace Air Conditioner

Before deciding whether to repair or replace your air conditioner, it is essential to consider its age. Often, you find that the air conditioner needs only minor repairs and servicing to keep running. However, occasionally, putting your money into repairs might not be worth it.

Air conditioning units typically last 10-15 years, whereas HVAC systems endure 15-20 years. If you have a ten-year-old or older air conditioning unit, repairing it isn’t worth a dime unless it’s just a clogged condenser unit. Nonetheless, make sure you consult a licensed HVAC technician to repair or replace your AC whenever you suspect that the air ducts or system filters are failing.

Learn more about deciding if you should repair or replace your air conditioner from the experts at Superstition Cooling, Apache Junction (Phoenix East Valley).

How Long Do Air Conditioners (and Parts) Last?

Whether you are considering maintaining your present air conditioner or investing in a new one, you’ve probably wondered, “How long do air conditioners last?” It can be heartbreaking to discover that your summer comfort partner has a finite lifespan and will not last forever. When an air conditioner reaches the end of its useful life, it will break down more frequently and consume more energy than necessary.

Air conditioners have an average lifespan of 10-15 years. However, regular maintenance and other practices can help your air conditioner last longer. When properly maintained, even the best HVAC systems will eventually run their course.

To understand this better, let’s look into the AC parts and how long each lasts:

1. The compressor

The compressor is the “heart” of the AC, the main component that raises the pressure and temperature of the vapor refrigerant in the system. This component works to create the pressure differential that causes the refrigerant to travel around the system; the compressor increases the pressure of the refrigerant gas. If you purchase a ClimateCare air conditioner, your compressor should last the whole lifespan of your air conditioner, which should be roughly twelve years or more.

2. The evaporator/ indoor coil

The evaporator coil in your air conditioning system collects heat from the air within your home. It’s normally attached to your furnace or housed inside your air handler and collaborates with a condenser coil to complete the heat exchange process, which results in cool air. If adequate maintenance is conducted regularly, the evaporator coils should last 10 to 15 years, which is the ideal lifespan for an evaporator coil and comparable to an AC unit’s lifespan.

3. The condenser/ outdoor coil

The condenser coil, also known as an outdoor coil, is a component of a split-system air conditioner that works hand in hand with the compressor to convert refrigerant from a gas to a liquid, and the coil transmits heat carried by the refrigerant to the outside. The outdoor coil has a lifespan of at least 10-15 years, but if the system is inefficient, wear and tear will be hastened. Dirty condenser coils make your unit work harder, putting stress on interior components.

Repairing vs. replacing your home AC system

In every ventilation, air conditioning, and heating system, regular maintenance will be necessary to some point in its lifespan. Summer heat in Phoenix, AZ, can be frustrating, especially if your AC system is faulty. If you are not sure about your best choice between repairing or replacing your AC system, you should consider the following variables:

1. The AC unit’s age 

A normal air conditioner has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years. Your unit’s performance can be extended if it is well-maintained. If your air conditioner is less than ten years old, well-maintained, and has not encountered a severe malfunction, it may be preferable to get it repaired.

2. The cost of the repair

If you have a relatively new AC unit, replacing it rarely makes financial sense unless the cost of maintenance is in the hundreds of dollars. Many HCAV professionals follow the “5,000 rule” as a general guideline. In this case, you multiply the unit’s age by the repair cost, and if the total surpasses $5,000, it may be best to replace the unit. If it’s less, fix it.

3. Refrigerant environmental impact and availability

Many older air conditioning units use R-22 Freon refrigerant. As of 2020, producing this in the United States is illegal. As a result, any leftover supplies are far more expensive than the easily accessible R-410a refrigerant utilized in newer systems. Not only will any required refrigerant repairs be far more expensive and perhaps difficult to do, but the product also hurts the environment.

4. The cost of your energy bills

Inadequately sized units, insufficient refrigerant, or aging electrical components can all reduce energy efficiency. If you see the cost of your energy bills rising, investing in a new, more efficient unit may be a worthwhile long-term investment.

5. How long do you plan to continue living in your home?

Even if you have an older unit, replacing it may not be a sensible investment if you plan to move in the next few years unless there has been a catastrophic failure or maintenance is expensive. However, if the AC unit is outdated or poorly maintained when you come to sell, a buyer may request a decrease in the home sale price to account for this. If you don’t plan on selling anytime soon, the piece of mind that a new unit and an extended warranty will provide may be enough encouragement to replace it.

Professional air conditioning repair in Apache junction

Superstition Cooling is the leading AC repair and tune-up service source in Apache Junction, Phoenix East Valley. At Superstition Cooling, we’re here to help with our top-quality air conditioning and heating services.

Our additional services include:

  • New AC Unit Installation
  • Air Conditioning Maintenance and Tune-ups
  • Air Conditioning Repair
  • Air Conditioning Replacement
  • Heating and Heat Pump Repair
  • Ductwork Repair

Contact us or call 480-983-7407 today to learn more about the services we provide to our clients.

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AC Duct Diverter

What is an AC Duct Diverter?

AC Duct Diverter

Most homes have an HVAC system installed regardless of the weather. However, few homeowners are aware of the elements that make up the system. They are all set as long as their home is being heated or cooled by the system. Air Vent Deflectors are one of those essential HVAC components that most of us are unaware of in our systems. And even those aware of them have no idea how they work.

So, what exactly is an AC Duct Diverter in an HVAC system? How important are they? And do they even work? These are concerns that most homeowners still have. Don’t be concerned if you’re unsure about this essential piece. This guide will provide answers to all of these issues and more.

What Exactly Is an AC Duct Diverter?

Air vent deflectors are also known as air diffusers and air vent diverters. They can be installed anyplace there is a vent for your heating/cooling unit’s ducting system. They can be found on the wall, the ceilings, or the floor, which is where they are most commonly found.

It is an add-on for your HVAC system that modifies how it works. An extension like this permits you to regulate and redirect the vent for better temperature management within the home. Do you have problems with insufficient blowing and varying hot and cold temperatures? Using a vent deflector is a simple strategy to be completely happy with your HVAC system.

Do Air Vent Deflectors Work?

Yes, air deflectors work effectively. Additionally, they are simple to use, which implies that you don’t need any special expertise to optimize the potential of your HVAC system. The vent deflector deflects the warmth and cooling that comes through the vents when placed over them.

Depending on their demands, the operator can adjust the deflector higher or downwards. Some vent deflectors function in redirection by switches or levels, maximizing the HVAC system’s total output. Because air vent diverters give you more control over which sections of your house receive climate-controlled air, they are an efficient method to save energy and prolong the life of your HVAC system.

When Are Air Deflectors Most Effective?

Vent deflectors are the ideal method to increase the effectiveness of your central air system without jeopardizing any of its components. They are excellent for a number of scenarios, including:

Under Furniture: Many homeowners simply cover the vents beneath sofas or cabinets. A vent deflector allows air to circumvent the blockage by diverting it to the side rather than forward (and into the furniture).

Near Windows: Windows supply heat in the summer and cause heat loss in the winter. A deflector can assist in preventing more conditioned air from being elevated or lost, helping you to conserve energy.

Over an Appliance: If you place an air vent above a piece of hot-running equipment, such as an oven or a clothes dryer, the conditioned air will also be affected. Using a vent deflector will assist in keeping the air cooling/heating appropriately and from affecting the appliance’s temperature.

In an Unused Room: Rather than sealing up a vent in an unoccupied room, a vent deflector and extension can be creatively combined to send air into the corridor. You must leave the room door open, but by closing the curtains/blinds, you may better manage the temperature in the room without affecting the ventilation system.

Next to thermostats: If an air vent is located near a thermostat in your house, it can significantly impact the room temperature readings. Erroneous temperature measurement may cause the system to run longer or shorter than necessary, affecting not only the convenience of the home but also causing harm to your unit. A vent deflector can direct air away from the thermostat, enabling it to measure the house’s interior temperature more precisely.

Benefits of A Vent Deflector

      1.  Clear the Airflow

The most significant advantage is that the air inside households can get blocked. A deflector is an effective strategy to unblock it and guarantee that the HVAC system’s heating and cooling are distributed evenly throughout the home.

       2. Rerouting Air Flow

Most homeowners experience hot and cold spots due to their HVAC systems. It is advisable to use a deflector to redirect the airflow to prevent this from happening.

       3. Improved Temperature Control

Most homeowners want to be as secure as possible in their houses which may not be easy, particularly if the HVAC system is not working properly.

      4. Reduced Electricity Bills

When an HVAC system fails, it may easily result in increased power bills. Investing in a floor air vent deflector is an excellent way to avoid this. Power expenditures are naturally reduced when heating and cooling are evenly distributed throughout the home.

Keep Your Air Conditioning Performing Its Best in Phoenix

Contact a trustworthy local specialist for air vent diverter or deflector installation to get the most out of your home’s energy consumption and achieve better climate management. Superstition Cooling is ready to help you maintain your air conditioner functioning properly if you reside in the Apache Junction, Arizona region. We’re accessible around the clock, so you know whom to call in case of an emergency. For further information or to request service, call 480-983-7407 or use our online form.

Image Source: Kevin_Hsieh / Shutterstock



Superstition Cooling
6235 E 18th Ave
Apache Junction , AZ 85119

How to redirect your AC Vent

How to Redirect Your AC Unit

How to redirect your AC Vent

Regular professional air conditioning maintenance and tune-up help ensure that your AC is operating effectively, especially during hot summer months. Apart from improving air quality and temperatures, these professional services increase unit durability while saving repair and utility costs. Contact a technician once you notice the AC has stopped functioning effectively or is producing strange noise and horrid smell.

Before maintenance and tuning up, our AC technicians conduct an inspection and diagnostic checks to ensure that parts are functioning effectively. After establishing the problem, we will redirect AC vent airflow or provide appropriate minor AC adjustments, repairs, or replacements.

Are you looking for ways to redirect your AC Unit? Prepare your AC unit for the summer heat in Phoenix, AZ. Learn more with Superstition Cooling here.

What Is an Air Vent Diverter?

We can maximize our HVAC output by controlling household air flow using an energy-efficient tool called an air vent diverter. It helps redirect AC vent air flow and regulate temperatures by channeling clean air to frequently used rooms.

How Do Air Vent Diverters Work?

Depending on one’s needs, an air vent diverter allows us to control the airflow from the vents to different rooms. It enables one to optimize their HVAC by regulating heating and cooling within rooms in the household. The energy-efficiency tool is made of plastic components we installed on air vents.

Air vent diverters allow us to redirect AC vent airflow upwards or downwards within rooms. Households can increase the durability of their HVAC systems and conserve energy by purchasing the device.

Redirecting Vents Improves Efficiency

Vent airflow plays a vital role in regulating the temperatures of a room. A vent obstructed by furniture, appliances, or large objects produces warm air because the air hits a warm surface.

Unfortunately, this promotes energy wastage as you will likely adjust the thermostat and use more energy to cool the room. Redirect AC vent by removing obstructions to optimize airflow, which improves AC efficiency while conserving energy.

How to Redirect Air Vents?

You can redirect air vents by clearing the airflow path from furniture, appliances, and other large objects. One can use the vent cover to redirect and control airflow if it has a lever or switch. Vent deflectors are another option; they help us regulate air flow from vents located under furniture and appliances.

Another effective option is an air vent diverter, a tool created using curved plastic fitted to the vent cover. An air vent diverter allows us to redirect and control airflow in upwards, downwards, or sideways motion.

To learn more about how to redirect your air vents, visit our website.

When are Vent Deflectors Most Effective?

A vent deflector provides an AC vent redirect which saves us the trouble of experiencing irregular cool airflow. It allows users to regulate and change the direction of heating and cooling within the HVAC system. The plastic device may also contain levers or switches that move the deflector to control airflow upwards or downwards.

Underneath Furniture

Furniture blocks the air path, preventing the HVAC system’s effective heating and cooling. Rectify this by installing a vent deflector to regulate the cool and warm air instead of wasting energy.

Over Appliances

The air temperature produced by the vent is affected by the surrounding air. Placing a vent on top of hot appliances such as ovens heats the cool air and increases room temperature. However, a vent deflector helps regulate the HVAC system and maintain air quality and temperature from the vent.

In Unused Rooms

Closing off vents in an unused room may interfere with your HVAC heating and cooling system. However, using a vent deflector in unused rooms allows us to increase air quality and temperature in other rooms. We should close the curtains and windows to restrict air movement to the door and regulate unused room temperatures.

Next to Thermostats

Placing a vent near a thermostat causes the thermostat to generate inaccurate temperature readings. Unfortunately, this affects system operations as the air may run shorter or longer, affecting your energy bill. A vent deflector keeps air away from the thermostat, facilitating accurate reading and efficiency of the HVAC system.

When There Is a Draft

Extreme temperatures during winter and summer may cause some areas of the house to experience uncomfortable drafts. Installing an air vent deflector will control the temperatures, keeping the home comfortable ALL year-round.

The East Valley Air Conditioning Pros You Can Count On

Superstition Cooling is the best AC maintenance and tune-up service provider in Apache Junction, Phoenix East Valley. Contact us today to discover the benefits we offer our clients.

East Valley Air Conditioning’s pros include; 24-hour operations – Our AC technicians work day and night delivering AC maintenance and tune-up services for clients in Apache Junction.

If you are looking for AC maintenance and tune-up services in Apache Junction, Phoenix East Valley, contact Superstition Cooling. Our AC technicians are committed to providing clients with affordable, convenient, quality AC maintenance and tune-up services. Call us now! You can also contact us online to discover our various services and make Superstition cooling your preferred HVAC service provider.

Image Credit: Shutterstock/e.backlund



Superstition Cooling
6235 E 18th Ave
Apache Junction , AZ 85119

Enjoying Single Room A/C Units

Buyers Guide: Choosing the Best Single Room Air Conditioner

Woman enjoying Single Room A/C Unit

Updated: June 15, 2022

Single Room A/C Buying Guide

Cool down your bedroom, living room, or tiny house in Arizona with the best single room air conditioner options. At Superstition Cooling, we understand the key features to keep in mind as you shop for single room A/C units. Follow this guide and work with one of our professionals to enjoy a cool home with one of the best single room air conditioning units.

Select the Best Type of Single Room A/C

With many types available, it can be difficult to choose the best A/C unit. Look for a power, efficient unit that fits your room and your budget. Here are four basic options to consider when choosing a unit for a single room:

        • Window units
        • Mini-split air conditioners
      • Portable units
      • Through-wall air conditioners

A window unit is the most basic option for a small room. It may seem like a good option because it’s easy to install and affordable. Unfortunately, these A/C units may not be the most energy-efficient option available. Improper installation could damage your window or create a falling hazard. It’s best to work with a professional when selecting and installing an A/C unit.

Mini-split systems are a great way to cool a single room or your entire home. They use the same basic technology as a central air conditioner, but don’t require in-home ductwork. It’s a great way to reduce your energy costs by cooling a single room or adjust the temperature in each room independently.

Portable air conditioners are becoming another popular option. Compared to other types of A/C units, portable air conditioners are relatively easy to install. Unfortunately, they take up floor space and require you to place a vent out a nearby window. These systems aren’t the most powerful either, so it may take longer to reach your ideal temperature during the summer in Apache Junction.

Finally, through-wall units are often similar to window units but don’t take up window space. You’ll need a professional to carefully measure and cut your wall before installing one of these units.

Choose the Correct BTUs

Once you select a type of A/C unit, what size do you need? All of these types range dramatically in terms of power, efficiency, and cost. Choosing a system that is too large may increase your energy costs, but choosing a small system may overwork it and prevent you from reaching the ideal temperatures on hot days.

Large Rooms vs. Small Rooms

For small rooms, plan on selecting a system with 1,000 BTUs (British Thermal Units) per 100 square feet. This isn’t necessarily true for larger rooms or entire homes, because A/C units are more efficient at cooling down large spaces. A professional HVAC technician from Superstition Cooling can stop by your home in Arizona for a full inspection and accurate BTU recommendation for your particular room.

Consider Energy-Efficient Options

No one wants to pay more to enjoy cool temperatures. The power of air conditioners is measured in BTUs, but the efficiency is measured with an EER, or energy efficiency ratio. Expect an EER of at least eight, but try to find one with a rating of 12 or more for the latest in energy efficiency.

Professional Hassle-Free Single Room A/C Installation

Discuss your air conditioning needs with our team at Superstition Cooling today to find the best option for your home. Whether you require multiple single room AC units throughout your home or a single one for your bedroom, request an estimate today to stay cool and lower your energy usage. Trust the leading team in Apache Junction for all your HVAC needs, both large and small.

You can call Superstition Cooling at 480-712-1597 or contact us directly. Call us today so that we can help you with your heating or A/C needs!


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Technician is checking air conditioner measuring equipment for filling air conditioners.

HVAC Maintenance: Preventing Future Repairs

HVAC Maintenance. Your HVAC system is one of the biggest expenses you will have in your home. With the proper care, your unit can last for many years and help keep your home at a comfortable temperature, regardless of what the weather is like outside. You may think did you only need to have your HVAC system looked at when various components start to malfunction, but it is important to keep up with a regular maintenance schedule. By scheduling routine maintenance appointments, you can keep your unit in great condition for many years.

What Is Preventative Maintenance?

A preventative maintenance visit is when an HVAC technician looks at your unit to make sure it is running at optimal performance. During these visits, the technician can determine if all components are working properly. By identifying any parts that may be starting to malfunction, the technician can replace them before they become an issue, so you can avoid a costly HVAC repair. The purpose of this type of HVAC appointment is to ensure that you are unit is heating and cooling properly to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

Why Is Maintenance Important?

Your HVAC system works hard to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Years of wear and tear can cause it to malfunction prematurely. If you wait until your HVAC unit starts to malfunction to repair it, you are probably incurring significant damage that costs a lot to repair. Regular maintenance can help you avoid expensive repairs and keep your unit clean to run more smoothly. 

What Happens With a Maintenance Appointment?

During a visit for HVAC repair, a technician will identify the reason for heating and cooling problems and replace the malfunctioning part. A maintenance visit is a little different because there is nothing obviously wrong with the unit. Your HVAC system should still be running, and you should not have noticed any issues if it has been properly maintained. A good HVAC technician will use the following steps to keep you are unit well maintained:

  • Discuss the unit’s performance with you to make sure there have been no noticeable issues.
  • Examine each component of your system to ensure there are no potential difficulties.
  • Lubricate moving parts.
  • Ensure the unit is heating and cooling the home evenly.
  • Tighten any loose electrical connections.
  • Clean the entire unit to keep it running at top performance.
  • Check thermostat settings.

How Often Should You Schedule Maintenance?

It is best to have your HVAC unit checked out every time the weather has a drastic shift. This typically means your system should be serviced at least twice a year, unless you notice any issues. HVAC technicians check out your system during the spring and fall before the weather turns hot or cold. If you keep up with these appointments, you are less likely to need major repairs during extreme temperatures.

Avoid Future HVAC Issues With Clean Condenser Coils

Over time, dirt, dust, pollen, and other pollutants can settle on the condenser coils of your HVAC system. Dirty coils cause the unit to run less efficiently and could make the unit run longer than it needs to. You could rack up enormous energy bills if your AC is running all the time to keep your home cool and comfortable, so keeping your condenser coils clean is important for increasing the lifespan of your system. One of the many things a technician from Superior Cooling will do during a preventative maintenance visit is to clean the coils so that your unit continues to run efficiently. 

Keeping Your HVAC System Running Smoothly

Working with a certified HVAC company is the best way to keep your unit well-maintained so that it lasts for many years, but there are a few things you can do to help your unit heat and cool your home efficiently. Try to avoid running the unit constantly because this habit can wear it out quickly. Use alternative ways to help keep hot and cold air circulating throughout your house so that the HVAC system only needs to run intermittently to help maintain a comfortable temperature.

Making sure that your home is well-insulated is another way to keep your unit running more efficiently. The more hot or cold air that is trapped inside your house, the more comfortable you will be inside. You should also inspect doors and windows to make sure there are no microscopic cracks around them that could let air escape from your home. 

These tips can help you maintain the efficacy of your HVAC system, but they are no replacement for maintenance visits. You still need the help of a professional to make your unit last for decades. Make sure you schedule maintenance at least twice a year so that you can avoid major repairs and help your unit last as long as possible. 

How To Know When To Call in a Professional

While maintenance visits help reduce the number of costly repairs you require, you may still experience occasional HVAC issues. It’s never a good idea to wait until your next maintenance appointment to repair your unit, even if the problem is minor. Small issues can spiral out of control quickly, so it is best to contact a professional at the first sign of trouble. Your technician may find occasional issues during routine maintenance, but these issues should not be frequent if you are caring for your unit properly. Remember that the faster you get your unit repaired, the smaller the damage will be, so you can save money.

Schedule an Appointment for HVAC Maintenance Today

Scheduling routine maintenance appointments are important for keeping your HVAC system running at peak performance. If you live in the area of Apache Junction, Arizona, Superstition Cooling is here to help you keep your air conditioner running smoothly. Located on East 18th Avenue near South Barkley Road, our shop is in a convenient spot to perform routine HVAC maintenance for all residents of Apache Junction and the surrounding East Valley. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for HVAC maintenance.


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A professional from Superstition Cooling inspects and prepares to clean an air conditioning duct for a client

How Often Should You Clean Your Air Ducts?

Air Duct Cleaning - Superstition Cooling

A clean home feels bright and refreshing. You probably spend some time each week vacuuming carpets, sweeping floors, and dusting around the house. It’s a lot easier to remember to clean things you can see. What about the areas you can’t see, such as your air ducts? How often does your home need air duct cleaning?

Why Is Air Duct Cleaning Important?

If your home has central air, air ducts run through the entire house. They may be out of sight, but you can feel their effects whenever you turn on the air conditioner. Vents in your bedroom, living room, kitchen, kids’ rooms, and other spaces are all connected to your HVAC unit via ducts. Why is it important to keep these vents and ducts clean?

1. Home Cleanliness

Keeping your home clean is much easier when the dust isn’t getting blown all over the place. Plus, it gives you peace of mind to know that the air coming out of vents is clean. Experts in air duct replacement and cleaning use special antimicrobial chemicals to kill viruses, bacteria, and mold spores hiding in ducts.

2. Indoor Air Quality

The air ducts in the home don’t just carry cool air. They circulate everything from dirt and dust mites to mold spores and viruses. Over time, all of those contaminants start to build up. Cleaning air ducts help improve indoor air quality.

3. Allergies

If someone in your family has allergies, air duct cleaning is even more significant. Things such as dead bugs, mold spores, pet dander, dust mites, and even accumulated dust can set off allergies and make it harder to breathe. To feel comfortable and relaxed, you can’t forget to have your air ducts cleaned regularly.

4. Energy Efficiency

A great way to take care of your air conditioner and save money on electricity is to change the air filter frequently. Along with a clean filter, though, you also need clean air ducts for air to flow smoothly. Otherwise, the AC has to work harder, which also eats up more energy.

How Often Do You Need Air Duct Cleaning?

Generally speaking, homes in East Valley Phoenix require professional air duct cleaning every 3 to 5 years. This is the recommendation given by the National Air Duct Cleaners Association. That said, the amount of time to wait between cleanings can be tricky to calculate in Arizona because of the amount of dust in the outside air. In some situations, you should schedule air duct cleaning more often:

    • You have pets that shed a lot of dander and hair
    • A member of your family has asthma or severe allergies
    • Your home was just remodeled
    • You open your home’s windows a lot
    • Someone in your home smokes

If your air ducts have never been cleaned before, you should definitely have experts in air duct repairs perform a thorough cleaning of the entire system right away. It’s time.

What Are the Signs You Should Schedule Air Duct Cleaning?

Most people don’t remember to write down the last time their air ducts were cleaned. If you’re not sure, don’t worry. You can usually tell when to schedule air duct cleaning because of telltale signs around the house:

    • More dust than normal: Does it seem like you clean furniture one day, and a few days later, the dust is back? This is a sign that it’s time to clean those ducts.
    • Black marks near air registers/vents: This means the amount of dust and dirt in air ducts is high. They need cleaning.
    • Musty odors near ducts: It’s urgent to schedule AC inspection and air duct cleaning if you notice strange or musty odors coming out of vents. You don’t want mold spores traveling to other areas of the home.
    • Breathing problems: When it seems like your home’s air is filled with fine dust particles or allergens, the problem may be that they’re accumulating in air ducts. People who have allergies can generally tell the difference and know it’s time to have ducts cleaned.

Moisture or mold in air ducts is a serious concern that can affect floors, walls, furniture, and other parts of the home. If you suspect this is happening, schedule an appointment for air duct repairs and cleaning immediately.

Why Do You Need To Call a Professional for Air Duct Cleaning?

The truth is that reaching deep into air ducts requires special equipment and expert training. To get the benefits of air duct cleaning, every inch has to be cleaned. That means reaching all the nooks and crannies. Plus, you don’t want to breathe in all of those contaminants that you’re trying to clean. Our team knows exactly what to do, and we have the certification and equipment for it.

How Does the Air Duct Cleaning Process Work?

Put simply; air duct cleaning means getting rid of all the dust, dirt, allergens, and mold spores in your home’s air ducts. The process leaves ducts and vents completely clean. What can you expect when you call our team for air duct cleaning in East Valley Phoenix?

    • Duct cleaning using HEPA filtration: A high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter can capture tiny particles during the cleaning process. This helps extract dust, dirt, pet dander, dust mites, and microbes from air ducts.
    • Rotating brush duct cleaning: In addition to removing loose dust and other contaminants, this process involves carefully cleaning surfaces with a rotating brush to get rid of built-up debris.
    • Vent cleaning: We take the time to scrub vents/air registers throughout the home, inside and out. They sparkle when we’re done.
    • Air handler cleaning: A dirty air handler would make clean ducts dirty again. That’s why we take care of everything, including cleaning the AC’s air handler.
    • Decontamination of the ductwork: We disinfect surfaces to eliminate bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. That way, you can enjoy the best indoor air quality possible.
    • Inspection: We use a special camera to check ducts and make sure everything is clean. You’re welcome to take a look, so you can see the huge difference before and after air duct cleaning.

Many homeowners also have us take care of AC preventative maintenance at the same time. This involves checking and cleaning your air conditioner, such as flushing the drain pan, cleaning evaporator coils, and inspecting the system for any problems. If air duct repairs are needed, we can take care of them during the same visit.

Schedule Your Air Duct Cleaning in East Phoenix Today!

Many families in East Phoenix spend the majority of their time indoors. That’s why professional air duct cleaning is so important. Having excellent indoor air quality can make a big difference in home comfort. Rooms smell fresher. Parents are happier knowing that their kids are breathing clean air.

At Superstition Cooling, we provide high-quality air duct cleaning with a satisfaction guarantee. As certified experts in air duct replacement and other AC services, we can help you know when it’s time to get your ducts cleaned. Contact us right away to learn more. We’re a friendly, family-owned business that’s always happy to answer your questions.

Image Source: alexeisido / Shutterstock

gas vs electric furnace

Gas VS Electric Furnace Systems

Any valley resident will tell you that, as hot as it gets during the summer, Arizona winters can be chilling. That’s why a working furnace is essential.

If you’re looking to install or replace a furnace, you need to consider an electric vs. gas furnace. Each has its pros and cons, so which should you get? To help you out, let’s compare the two.

Heating Process

Electric and gas furnaces are very similar in how they warm a home; both heated air, then use a fan to force it through the house via a ductwork system. The big difference is how the air is heated.


In an electric furnace, the air temperature is raised via a heating element. This component specifically takes electric energy and converts it to heat.


By contrast, gas furnaces have a pilot light. This is a small flame fueled by natural gas. Rather than heating air directly, gas furnaces rely on heat exchangers. These are metal passages heated by the pilot light; the moving air inside them is heated by transfer.


For many homeowners, efficiency is a primary factor when considering a heating system. Gilbert residents know how difficult it can be to cool down a home during the summer, and they’re not about to have the opposite problem during the winter.

There’s also the matter of energy bills. The more efficiently your furnace heats, the less time it has to run, which means lower costs. With that in mind, which type of heating system is the most efficient?


When it comes to converting energy, electricity is the clear winner. Electric furnaces can convert 100% of their electric energy to heat. However, electric coils don’t produce as intense heat as pilot lights. This means an electric furnace has to work harder and longer to warm a home.


On the surface, gas furnaces lose the efficiency race, as they only convert between 55% and 97% of energy to heat. Additionally, some of that heat gets lost through flues. However, the most efficiently built gas furnaces beat out electricity by miles.

Due to the more intense heat created by the pilot light, gas furnaces can quickly warm a home. This makes them an excellent option for climates that have frigid temperatures.


Cost is another major factor when considering which furnace to buy. There’s the initial cost to think about and the long-term cost of maintenance.


By and large, electric furnaces are cheaper to install. They can range from less than $500 to more than $1,000, with the cost dependent on the following:

      •       Quality of the furnace
      •       Retrofitting expenses
      •       The number of square feet you need to heat 

Electric heating systems also require minimal maintenance, which can save you money in the long run.


Gas furnaces can be quite an investment; installation costs often range from around $1,200 to over $4,000. These systems also require regular maintenance to keep them in top shape, which is a yearly expense.

Due to their high efficiency, the good news is that gas furnaces have lower operating costs than electric ones. If you foresee using the furnace a lot, you may save money by gas despite the high initial price tag.


Safety is another primary concern when it comes to furnaces. While gas systems can save money and provide more comfort, they present a risk that electric ones don’t.


Electric furnaces are very safe, as they don’t produce any fumes or other by-products. Like all electrical appliances, there is a danger of shorting and fire, so it’s essential to keep that in mind when looking at different models.


Unfortunately, gas furnaces pose a significant danger: carbon monoxide poisoning. The combustion used to heat air produces carbon monoxide, safely moving out of the home via a flue. If the flue or other parts of the furnace are damaged, carbon monoxide can leak into the house, leading to illness and even death.

This is why maintenance is so vital for gas furnaces — regular maintenance can uncover issues before they become dangerous. Systems also require cleaning to prevent buildup that can block flues or pose a fire hazard.


Understandably, homeowners want a system that stands the test of time. The good news is, both electric and gas furnaces last decades.


Most electric furnaces are suitable for about 30 years, making them superior to gas in terms of longevity. If you want to pay off your mortgage before spending more money on a heating system, go with electric.


Gas furnaces are by no means a short-term investment — they often last 20 years. The one caveat is that they require a lot of care. Combustion leads to corrosion of parts, which means regular replacement and repairs. To keep a gas furnace running for 20 years, you need to sink money into it.


Installing any large appliance is bound to be inconvenient; not only will there be technicians in your home, but there’s also the challenge of getting a sizable item into your house. Whichever furnace you choose, you must hire professionals for installation, as both systems pose dangers during the process.


Electric furnaces are easier to install than gas, but they still need to be connected to your home’s wiring. Electric heating systems use high voltage, so there’s a risk of electrocution if the power isn’t turned off during installation.


Installing a gas furnace is a much more complicated process than installing electric, so it will likely take longer. Technicians have to take care that the system is correctly set up to prevent the risk of carbon monoxide leaks.


Anyone who’s lived in Queen Creek knows that poor air quality is a big issue in Arizona. The good news is, making eco-friendly choices about large appliances can make a real difference.

So which is more eco-friendly: electric or gas? Both have pros and cons in this department, so it’s really about which works best for your situation.


Electric furnaces don’t produce carbon monoxide, which means they don’t directly contribute to air pollution. However, they rely on electricity, which is generated in several ways, some of which aren’t good for the environment. The good news is, you can help offset the energy they consume with solar panels and other green energy technology.


Gas furnaces rely on natural gas, which isn’t exactly environmentally friendly. Not only does it produce carbon when burned, but its extraction process generates a lot of pollution. The good news is, natural gas produces much less carbon than other fossil fuels. The high efficiency of gas heating systems also means you run them less often, which may decrease your carbon footprint.

Furnace Installation in East Phoenix, AZ

Are you considering a new furnace? Superstition Cooling provides various heating and cooling services in the East Valley, including in San Tan Valley and East Phoenix. Not only can we install your heating system, but we can also offer maintenance to keep it running correctly for years. To learn more or to get an estimate, give us a call at 480-983-7407 or contact us online.


Image Credit: Lightspring

furnace leaking water

Why is Water Leaking from My Furnace


furnace leaking water

As anyone who lives in Apache Junction knows, just because it’s the desert doesn’t mean it doesn’t get cold. During the winter, temperatures can drop significantly, and running your heating system may become necessary.

That means it’s a real problem if you discover water leaking from the furnace. What should you do if your system is creating puddles? Here’s everything you need to know. 

What Are Signs of a Leaking Furnace?

 Many homeowners don’t realize it’s even possible for furnaces to produce water. As a result, they may not know where to look for signs of a leak. 

If you’re running your heating system, make sure to check for undesired water periodically. Discovering the problem early can save you a significant headache.

Wet Filter 

Sometimes the leak isn’t visible from the outside. Your heating system’s internal components may be soaked before you ever see a puddle on the floor.

One piece that’s likely to get wet is the air filter. If you suspect water leakage, but don’t see any external evidence, check your filter.

Water at the Base

When things have gotten really out of hand, you’ll probably see water collecting at the base of your furnace. Once the water starts to puddle, you need to act quickly to preserve your furnace and floor integrity.

Is It Dangerous If Your Furnace Is Leaking Water?

Is a leaking furnace an emergency? The truth is, it depends on what’s causing the leak. Since this is difficult to tell without a professional looking at it, you should treat any leak like an emergency. Otherwise, you may end up with a great deal of damage that’s expensive to fix.

Electrical Fault

Water is an excellent conductor, and electricity contact can cause electrical faults, which are aberrant currents. If currents reach dangerous levels, your home’s circuit breakers should trip, preventing them from damaging the more extensive electrical system. Your furnace, however, may not be so lucky.

Extensive damage requires repairs or even replacement. Your family will be without heat during that time, making for a very uncomfortable few days.

Water Damage

Water damage is also a concern. If the liquid is allowed to pool on your floor, it can result in extensive damage that your insurance may not cover. The carpet may develop mold or mildew and need to be replaced, while wood flooring can swell and warp. Even tile or concrete can be damaged, as the water leaking from your furnace may be acidic. At worst, water may get through the subflooring and impact your foundation.

What Are the Causes of Furnace Leaks?

There are many potential causes for furnaces to leak water, though your issue depends on the type of heating system you have. High-efficiency furnaces, which are increasingly popular, have to contend with condensation due to the extreme heat produced. Of course, conventional furnaces have their problems that can result in leakage.

Blocked Drainage

All the condensate created by high-efficiency furnaces has to go somewhere. That’s why these heating systems have a drainage pipe, usually built through the floor. If this pipe gets blocked, the condensate will back up and eventually spill into the furnace and surrounding area.

The same issue may arise if there’s a clog in the condensation line. Alternatively, the line may break and become the source of a leak.

Damaged Heat Exchanger

In high-efficiency furnaces, the heat exchangers also come in contact with condensate. If one is broken, it can allow that liquid to escape into other areas of the furnace. This is a significant issue, as it may allow dangerous fumes to escape.

Wrong-Sized Flue

Conventional furnaces aren’t supposed to create condensate, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. In a conventional furnace, the heated exhaust exits your home through a flue, which works because hot air rises.

However, if your flue is the wrong size, the exhaust may be allowed to cool before it exits. This can result in its transformation from gas to liquid. This cooled liquid is then pulled back down by gravity, filling your furnace and potentially leaking onto the floor.

Leaking Humidifier

Heated air tends to be dry, which isn’t very comfortable. To add moisture back into the air, most furnaces have humidifiers connected to your plumbing. If the humidifier is clogged or damaged, water can get diverted from its natural path and end up leaking into the furnace.

What Should You Do If Your Furnace Is Leaking Water?

One of the first things you should do is call your local Gilbert heating expert and get a professional to look at the issue. While it’s possible to DIY a furnace repair, you may do more harm than good if you’ve never worked on a heating system before.

In the meantime, you want to mitigate the damage as much as possible. While the technician is on the way, you should follow these four steps.

  1. Turn Off the System

Whatever the problem is, turning off the system may stop it from worsening. At the very least, it means your furnace won’t be exposed to water while electricity is running through it.

  1. Clean Up Water

The longer water sits, the more gets absorbed into flooring, so the best way to prevent damage is to clean up puddles as soon as you notice them. You should also investigate around your furnace to see if there are any spots you may have missed. Additionally, be on the lookout for these signs:

    •       An unpleasant odor
    •       Stains you can’t remove with washing
    •       Cupping or buckling of laminate or wood boards
    •       Cracking or peeling linoleum or vinyl

These indicate that water damage has already occurred, and restoration is needed.

  1. Look for Source

It isn’t always possible to identify the source of the leak on your own, but while you’re checking your furnace’s integrity, you may notice signs that can help the technician find the problem. As you examine your furnace, keep an eye out for the following:

    •       Wet air filter
    •       Damage to the humidifier
    •       Damage to condensation pipes
  1. Replace Filter

The air filter is an integral part of your heating system, as it catches dirt, pollen, dandruff, and other allergens. When it’s functioning well, it improves your home’s air quality and can reduce allergy symptoms. You may even be able to clean less frequently, as it traps that infamous San Tan Valley dust.

If your filter is dirty, clogged, or wet, it should be replaced. Not only does a damp filter fail to do its job, but it can also lead to a mildewy smell or even mold spore dispersal.

How Can You Stop Your Furnace From Leaking?

Superstition Cooling is here to help when you need emergency heating repair services. We serve the East Valley area, including Mesa and Queen Creek, and are dedicated to offering fast solutions. If your furnace is leaking water, don’t hesitate — give us a call at 480-983-7407 or contact us online to request an estimate today.


Image Credit: Cynthia Farmer